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- 21 Th10 2021
- Đã tham gia 14 Th10 2017
I feel pretty ridiculous asking this but I'm having trouble finding a good current tutorial for using Spine animations inside of unity.
I'm an animator first and can barely code at all so I rely pretty heavily on tutorials and the last series ran me down a path of using "AddAnimate" which it turns out totally doesn't work for playing animations only once. Figured instead of wasting another couple weeks on watching the wrong stuff I'd just ask you all and see if you have recommendations!
BrettAh! That definitely works! bummer that there's no way to do that with one single constraint but this way definitely accomplishes the task.
Thanks a ton!
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Quick question on transform constraints: is it possible to have the constraint work without having all the bones move towards it to begin with?
The situation: I've got 4 control points for a character's hair and would like to have one easy way to pull them up/down during animations. Problem is, once I start to set the Translate mix percentage all the bones are pulled towards the location of the control bone.
I've tried playing around with the offset to put things back in their starting position but this seems sorta messy since I can't get it perfectly back where it it should be and I ended up just guessing. Maybe there's a better way to be using offsets that I'm not getting?
BrettAh, its not really messy cause I can't imagine a better system of organization. I'm just a weirdo who gets uncomfortable when groups are expanded and wanna have as many things top level as possible.
Thanks for the info!
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Hello! Another super basic question for ya
Is there anything wrong with using a transform constraint instead of parenting the bone?
Some of my more complex files are getting fairly messy with bones nested below several others. I've got a feeling that this is bad somehow, like it adds strain to unity or something?
BrettCoolio, this is what I've been doing and it works pretty well. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on a smoother method.
Keep up the work on those tutorial videos! They're great!
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Hello! I'm wondering if there's a suggested workflow for creating a skeleton that can have skins quickly added to it later.
I've had success importing them as a separate skeleton then slowly moving the bits over and setting up a new skin (pretty slow and janky) and setting up multiple placeholder skins (this works but feels wonky since I won't be able to easily add more than the number of placeholders I've made)
Is there a way to set up a file in photoshop or while rigging that allows new skins to pop in automatically?
Yeaaah, this is why I should learn BEFORE animating, not after! Alas!
I don't know how this confused me on your first post! Haha, thanks for explaining a bit more!
So to clarify I shouldn't be using multiple attachments on a slot if I'm going to be using a skin since theres no way for that to translate.
I feel like that'd be a real good piece of functionality to have since changing attachments within slots is super useful and its rough to lose that if you're using skins. Even for little things like having various states for the eyes.
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Within my rigged animation I have a few frame-by-frame animated bits that are just several attachments in the same slot. I'd like to include these effects in the skin but I can't find a way to include all the attachments into one skin slot.
I did see this post: Best way to put multiple attachments into one skin? but since its been so long I'm kind hoping there's a better answer than placing everything in its own slot!
Any advice on how to handle these animations?
Thanks a ton!
Oh no, it was so simple... thanks guys
I have the same question but don't want to bother my coder with unity stuff >.<
"You could have also just duplicated the old skin or made a linked mesh, moved it into the new skin and replaced the image"
Could you clarify this a bit more for me? I can't seem to find a solid tutorial on adding skins retroactively. Thanks!
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