• Unity
  • Unity Tutorials for Spine Animations?


I feel pretty ridiculous asking this but I'm having trouble finding a good current tutorial for using Spine animations inside of unity.

I'm an animator first and can barely code at all so I rely pretty heavily on tutorials and the last series ran me down a path of using "AddAnimate" which it turns out totally doesn't work for playing animations only once. Figured instead of wasting another couple weeks on watching the wrong stuff I'd just ask you all and see if you have recommendations!


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When just starting, we would recommend to first read at least the first few sections of the spine-unity documentation page.

The next recommended step is to look at the example scenes in Spine Examples/Getting Started.

If the above examples are too complicated code-wise already, you could use one of the Spine Playmaker integrations:
Spine - Unity - Playmaker / Quick Tip