Thanks for the reply Erika
really looking forward for that constraint

- 15 Th05 2024
- Đã tham gia 8 Th02 2021
- Đã chỉnh sửa
do we have a overlapping function in spine 2d.
like a character has up and down movement and it has a tail can i animate the tail automatically.thanks
Thanks for the reply it really helped.
we selected the first one despite of the tight deadlines..
good to know others methods tooi need to do this in spine only... and if i remember correctly they are called Key frames cycle or interpolate cycle in moho you can check them there too
- Đã chỉnh sửa
i have lots of characters and lots of animations but there names (animtions) have random case sensitivities. Whats the best solution suggested here should i rename them or theres a way around
The Issue with skin pipeline is that we have 4 types or riders and rides all different in Tier1
then again 4 types or riders and rides in Tier2 and so on and so forth till tiers 5... and all riders and rides have animations like idle attack hurt stun death.
and all riders should work with all rides and all rides should work with all riders..
and what i mean by all "animations have different sizes" is that i have skeleton data and jason file pipeline using runtime in unity..But there export size is there import size and there import size is the psd's size and the psd's sizes are all different
i would like to know the best practices for working on a game in which we have multi tier riders and rides ...and they should be swap able..
ie a lv3 rider can have a lv1 ride and vice a versa..there are many problems that i am facing right now.
1= all riders wont sync with all rides especially on y axis motion...if i discard y axis motion from rider then i am not able
to place it in ride in unity so it will have ride y axis motion..2= All the animations that i have done till now have different tier 1 is around 600*600 pxl... and increasing as the tier increases..due to which i am facing scaling issues
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what about version 4 of spine it totally disappeard from itHy
can i open multiple instances of Spine at a time.
like 3.8 and 4.0 two spines at a time- Đã chỉnh sửa
hmmm lets see in an example
suppose i need a dragon idle animation which is of like 60 frames and i have his wings animation on like 10 frames now what i will do is i will copy past wings animation on 60 there a way to tell spine that repeat these keys (10 wings frames) so i dont have to copy past them on the entire timeline
hope i am making some sense- Đã chỉnh sửa
How can i add events to exported jason file in unity not in spine
in unity i have only animation clip names i cannot edit them like an fbx etcspine pro liscense supports 2 mechines at a time i think
- Đã chỉnh sửa
i was wondering if there is a way to repeat a certain are of animation over the entire time i do is that i copy paste those keys over the time line manually..
Like in moho you tell the software the first and last frame and it repeats it on the entire time lineplz can you post your work example after you figured it out as it would help others understand and it is the best way to give back to the community...
PS: A little GIF will go a long way