• Unity
  • Adding Events in unity not in spine

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How can i add events to exported jason file in unity not in spine
in unity i have only animation clip names i cannot edit them like an fbx etc

Currently the only supported workflow to add events to a json file is in Spine and then export them, sorry! Please note that in case you don't have the Spine project files, you can use Spine - Import Data... to import a json file, then add your events and re-export.

There is one exception where you can place events in Unity:
When using SkeletonMecanim you can actually add Unity events to each AnimationClip by the normal workflow of using the Animation (not Animator) window. This is not a comfortable way though, since no preview is shown. This is not an officially supported workflow and your placed events might be removed when re-exported, there is an issue ticket here dealing with keeping already placed events: