
  • 1 Th10 2020
  • Đã tham gia 29 Th06 2018

    I love the control of curves that is offered in the graph editor, however I feel that it should be something that is incorporated as an option in the dopesheet. Maybe a toggle to show or hide curves.

  • I have to agree about the arm on the first one. Can you give some insight into the witchcraft you used to get that smooth transition? All of these are lovely.

  • Thanks, Harald! I'm just getting around to seeing this now. I can't wait to give it a shot.

    Just wanted to give you the update. I finally got around to this. I updated the runtimes and did the enabling in preferences. That caused Unity to hard crash. BUT, on reopening everything was fine. I opened the timeline that I was previously using and those preexisting objects had their playable assets restored. I did get a few errors, but those were my fault as I was assigning the wrong game object to the assets. All in all, everything looks good.

  • Thanks, Harald. I'll keep going and wait until support is added.

    • Đã chỉnh sửa
  • I've been getting ready for the 2019 release, using the latest Unity beta, and it seems that timeline functionality is lost for my Spine elements.

    Any idea on when a Unity 2019 runtime library will be released? Also, in the meantime, is there a quick fix I can make to the timeline modules?


  • Look at Unity's SpriteShape package. It's currently in preview but it would allow you to achieve this really easily. Since you already have the UVs of the material animating, it would simply be a matter of creating a spline, applying that material to it and you are off and running. I have a lot of experience with that package so if you run into any issues I'd be happy to help.

  • Thanks, Nate! I've been quietly working on some things now that I've got a handle on the runtimes. I'll show off at some point.

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  • I noticed something in my current project. If I set up a transform constraint, say for rotation, and give it a positive value, the constrained bone is displayed as hollowed out in the editor window. However, if I give that constraint a negative value, the constrained bone does not give any indication that it is affected. It behaves properly, it just doesn't give that visual cue.

  • My understanding is that it is now possible to have multiple skins active on a skeleton animator. How exactly would one go about doing this and is there a way to do this within the unity editor?

    Nevermind. I didn't do a thorough enough search. I set this up with multiple skins and found the useful page in the documentation.

    Spine-Unity Mix and Match

    Incidentally, I believe there is a typo in the skin related code on this page. It says:

    and I believe it should say:


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    I absolutely love these animations. Really beautiful. What is that big green bone behind her controlling?

  • I'll give that a shot later today or tomorrow and report back. Thanks!

  • It is both color and alpha. I initially thought it was the material that I was using for the sprite that I am attaching, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Is there some code example on how to do this you could post so that I can make sure I'm doing it correctly? I've resorted to using skins in the meantime, but I think that, as my attachment option list grows, doing it this way might be more efficient.

    Also, looking at the goblins example, those attachments are already part of the spine file, correct? I'm attempting to take a sprite from unity and attach it to the slot in the spine skeleton.

  • Awesome! Glad to be of service.

    So I can download later today and get the fix?

    Nevermind. Just saw the commit and got it. Thanks again!

  • Thanks to both of you! That point follower component is genius. Love it!

    For some reason the point follower script thows this error over and over whenever I come back to Unity from Visual Studio (or sometimes if I select an object other than the one that holds the script).

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Spine.Unity.PointFollower.UpdateReferences () (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Components/PointFollower.cs:95)
    Spine.Unity.PointFollower.LateUpdate () (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Components/PointFollower.cs:111)

    Running the project works fine and the point follower performs as expected. All of the relevant data is set in the script (skeletonAnimation, slot, and point) so I'm not sure why this is happening.

  • Sorry. I am animating the slot color. For some reason, if I bring the alpha of the slot to zero and then add a sprite to that slot in the run time, the alpha change does not carry through.

    • Đã chỉnh sửa
  • I have been able to successfully add attachments programmatically. Yay. However, I've noticed that if I add an attachment at runtime and had some things like animated color settings (changing the alpha, for example) that these things don't carry over to the newly attached image. Is there some trick to accomplishing this or is something that isn't possible?