• Runtimes
  • Unity 2019 Runtime

I've been getting ready for the 2019 release, using the latest Unity beta, and it seems that timeline functionality is lost for my Spine elements.

Any idea on when a Unity 2019 runtime library will be released? Also, in the meantime, is there a quick fix I can make to the timeline modules?


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Unfortunately, in 2019 the Unity Timeline API has been changed, making some additional work necessary to support it.

We will write the necessary code to re-introduce support for timeline features in 2019, however it will take it's time until it's done. You could consider working with Unity 2018 and switch to 2019 later when it is stable and out of beta. If you really want to be using Unity 2019 right now, it will be without the Timeline support at first, sorry to say that.

There is an issue ticket for you to track:
[unity] Timeline not supported on Unity 2019 beta · #1326

Thanks, Harald. I'll keep going and wait until support is added.

16 ngày sau

Timeline support has now been added for Unity 2019!

You can download the latest unitypackage from here as usual:
Spine Unity Download

Then go to Edit - Preferences - Spine and at Timeline Package Support hit Enable to automatically perform all necessary steps to activate the Timeline components for Unity 2019.

The full description as in the Changelog:
Timeline Support for Unity 2019 using the existing Timeline components. By default, all Spine Timeline components are deactivated in Unity 2019 and can be activated via the Spine Preferences menu. This step became necessary because in Unity 2019, Timeline has been moved to a separate Package and is no longer included in the Unity core. Please visit Edit - Preferences - Spine and at Timeline Package Support hit Enable to automatically perform all necessary steps to activate the Timeline components.
This will automatically:

  1. download the Unity Timeline package
  2. activate the Spine Timeline components by setting the compile definition SPINE_TIMELINE_PACKAGE_DOWNLOADED for all platforms
  3. modify the spine-unity.asmdef file by adding the reference to the Unity Timeline library.
15 ngày sau

Thanks, Harald! I'm just getting around to seeing this now. I can't wait to give it a shot.

Just wanted to give you the update. I finally got around to this. I updated the runtimes and did the enabling in preferences. That caused Unity to hard crash. BUT, on reopening everything was fine. I opened the timeline that I was previously using and those preexisting objects had their playable assets restored. I did get a few errors, but those were my fault as I was assigning the wrong game object to the assets. All in all, everything looks good.

Thanks for letting us know, great to hear that it works now. Sorry to hear about the crash, I haven't encountered any crashes so far. If this should happen to you again under reproducible circumstances, please let us know.

3 tháng sau

Hi Harald,

Thanks for this update, hopefully everything will go smoothly once i've got it in!

I'm on a mac and can't find the 'Timeline package support' option.

Am I doing something wrong, or is the option not available on mac?

Thanks for your work,

Sorry for the confusion! The above posting is now obsolete - Timeline support is no longer provided via Edit - Preferences - Spine, but as a separate Unity Package Manager package.

You can download it from the download page as usual.
Please also see the section Installing Spine-Unity Extension UPM (Unity Package Manager) Packages below the download section.