
Is there an ETA for the Unity 6 runtime?


  • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.
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    Bl4de Unfortunately, we cannot give you a specific date. However, we have addressed an issue reported by users who have been using Unity6 and spine-unity since the beta: EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes2603
    There may still be other problems, but for general use, it is already possible to use spine-unity with Unity6. We do not recommend using it in a production project with a fixed release date, etc., but if you want to experiment with Unity6, you can try using the latest spine-unity runtime.

    • Harald đã thích điều này.

    @Bl4de With Unity 6 officially released and stable, and no remaining known issues on the spine-unity side, it will not be long until we increase the officially supported version. Nevertheless we will first perform some more testing to ensure that nothing has changed in this regard.