• Announcements
  • Spine 4.2 imports PSDs directly, no Photoshop scripts needed


We realized that the [trim:mask] tag was working only on layers.
We just implemented this feature also for groups.
You'll be able to use it in the next beta release (4.2.62-beta) that will probably be ready tomorrow!
Let us know then if it works as expected 😃

Related Discussions

It seems that the adjustment layer does not work. I've tried it with clip studio paint and affinity photo.

  • Davide đã trả lời bài viết này.


    Adjustment layers are not supported yet, and since it will be complex and time-consuming to implement them, I'm sorry to say that it won't happen soon 🙁
    If you really need them, you can still use the Photoshop to Spine script.

    May I ask you which Adjustment layers you use more frequently? Since there are a lot, it might be helpful to define a priority among them.

    • Bloss0mx đã trả lời bài viết này.

      Davide I'm using brightness / contrast adjustment layer, hsl shift adjustment layer and curves adjustment layer in clip studio paint and affinity photo.

      I dont get how to making linked mesh working.

      The logical things for me is to prepend the skin like:


      So i understand it search inside the slot.
      Let's check what skinName i need to put here

      OK the skinName seem to be small-colorable.
      let's try


      So i thinks i need to input the full path name after the skinName
      Let's try.

      why it thinks source mesh is "small-colorable".
      Hoow you dont input the skinPlaceHolder.
      Give it a shot.

      What im doing wrong ?
      i've tried with blank file without big lenght of skinname it's doesnt work.
      Thanks for watching this demonstration for how to not work with linked mesh

      • Davide đã trả lời bài viết này.

        @valahaha Sorry you are having trouble! We're working on documentation and Davide will be able to help you out tomorrow. In the meantime, it would help if you can post or email (contact@esotericsoftware.com) a PSD showing what you tried. Then Davide can modify and send it back to you without needing to setup something similar from scratch.

        • valahaha đã trả lời bài viết này.

          Nate Hey, thanks for the answer.

          You dont have to be sorry, it's a new features in beta, that's normal.
          I dont really need linked mesh for now, it's more for testing purpose.

          I've tested so many things but i can wait for the documentation.
          I will send a psd files.

          have a nice day

          • Nate đã thích điều này.

          TRY 1 =
          at s.bqM._(_:197)
          at s.kPv._(_:408)
          at s.ePX.B(_:303)
          at s.ePX._(_:294)
          at s.JjN._(_:313)
          at s.Ipp.run(_:247)
          Cause: s.BBp: Parent mesh not found: SCARF
          at s.GLq._(_:395)
          at s.NAy._(_:118)
          at s.bqM._(_:168) ...

          Can't get it working

          Thanks for any help ..

          Cant upload psd here, and sended the mail, response was to post here.


          Hi valahaha, I'm sorry you had so much trouble making the linked mesh work.

          You actually helped us in finding another bug 😃
          The target source mesh detection is currently failing when the linked mesh tag value depth is higher than 2, where the depth is the number of parts separated by "/" in the tag value. We have fixed this problem and you will find the fix in the next beta release.

          In general, the syntax for the linked mesh tag value is:

          The linked mesh tag value must be the full attachment name of the source mesh, as it is in Spine. That's the only way to indicate uniquely the desired source mesh.
          Moreover, the linked mesh must be in the same slot as the desired source mesh. This implies the usage of the [slot] tag somewhere to make the source and linked mesh be in the same slot.

          In your example, you have two SCARF[slot] folders, and one of them is ignored, so I suppose you want to focus on the folder with skins. In order to make the small-colorable scarf the source mesh of the small-green scarf, you need to add:

          • [mesh] to the small-colorable scarf
          • [mesh:equipment/neck/scarf/small-colorable/scarf] to the small-green scarf because equipment/neck/scarf/small-colorable/scarf is the attachment name of the source mesh.
          • valahaha đã trả lời bài viết này.

            Davide DAMN i love you, spine team, we always got our back covered that insane !

            Thanks for all !

            • Davide đã trả lời bài viết này.


              Thank you for your appreciation! 😊

              4.2.64-beta has been released with the aforementioned fix.
              However, we had an internal discussion and decided to simplify how the source mesh can be indicated for a linked mesh.

              As long as there is no ambiguity, you can now specify only the ending part of the attachment name of your source mesh.
              In your example, you have in the SCARF slot the following attachments:

              • equipment/neck/scarf/small-colorable/scarf
              • equipment/neck/scarf/small-green/scarf

              You can now just add [mesh:scarf] since there's no ambiguity in which attachment you want to select (the linked mesh itself is excluded from the research).

              If you had another scarf in your slot, for example:

              • equipment/neck/scarf/small-colorable/scarf
              • equipment/neck/scarf/small-green/scarf
              • equipment/neck/scarf/small-red/scarf

              You would need to add [mesh:small-colorable/scarf] because there would be ambiguity with the small-red/scarf attachment.
              But it's definitely more concise than writing the entire equipment/neck/scarf/small-colorable/scarf attachment name.
              In the case you write an ambiguous attachment name for the source mesh, an error dialog will list the candidate meshes and ask you to be more specific.

              This will be available in the next beta release.

              10 ngày sau

              Is there progress on setting an origin point for PSD imports? It would be really nice to have since every export I do depends on it.

              • NateDavide đã trả lời bài viết này.

                skarasuko Did you see this post?

                Currently, the origin is set using the first X and Y guides found in the PSD or in the center of the canvas if guides are missing. Unfortunately, not all software that exports in PSD format stores guides in the file. This is why we were considering adding support for an [origin] tag.

                If you are using Photoshop, setting 2 guides should be sufficient. Many people already do this, so they can reset the origin to the same place easily after Photoshop forgets it.

                  Nate Is the origin tag currently functional? I was hoping that there's eventually a way to set the origin without using the Photoshop program entirely, since there's currently no specific method in Clip Studio Paint. Alternatively, I can move my exports appropriately and save the Translate coordinate of the new root bone.

                  There's no origin tag yet, sorry. Does CSP not support guides when saving PSD?

                    Nate The guide CSP has is a completely different element, so it cannot be used the same way as Photoshop guides.

                    Gotcha. Let's see what Davide thinks about the timeline for an [origin] tag.


                    We haven't planned this yet, but considering a lot of graphic software doesn't store guides in the PSD file, we are going to implement this in the next few days. We'll let you know here when the feature will be available 🙂

                    5 ngày sau
                    Nate đã gỡ ghim cuộc thảo luận .

                    Since the [origin] tag was added in for Spine 4.2.09, how do we write our coordinates?