Hi !
I have a question about the physics in Unity.
I've seen you've added two bool for the physics, and that's cool, to deactivate / activate the physics.
I have a scene with a canvas, so UI, with Skeleton Graphic. I created a script to zoom and move it, something really simple that just scale and move a parent gameoject of the skeleton.
The problem is that it affect the physics when it move.
For now I'm using this simple function before zooming / moving and after :
public void Physics(bool value)
skeleton.applyRotationToPhysics = value;
skeleton.applyTranslationToPhysics = value;
And it is working pretty great, as it is moving or zooming at the same time, we don't see that the physics is disabled temporary.
So I was just wondering if it was planned to can separate physics between skeleton and gameobject.
Anyways, as always, nice job Can't wait for the beta 4.2.10 though !