
  • 20 Th07 2022
  • Đã tham gia 18 Th07 2018
  • It's definitely possible to do hundreds of skins for this sort of thing. We're doing that on our project (four spritesheets and counting so far) and it still performs well. Organization is the real problem. Use a good naming system and file structure.

    I have been thinking for a while about cutting some parts out into a separate skeleton, though. For some FX related things. Just haven't put in the time to figure it out yet. Maybe with the SkeletonRenderSeparator. Researching that is going on my todo list.

    (of course SkeletonAttachment would make this super easy wink wink nudge)

  • Thanks, Harald!

    I will integrate this and try it out when I finish working through some other dev priorities.

  • Hi, Harald.

    I see you assigned this issue to yourself. Can you comment on the likelihood of this reaching the next release? Ballpark ETA? We're still hoping to see it soon. I made some adjustments to delay hitting the wall, but we're still going to hit it.

  • I'd like to add a vote toward supporting this feature. Our project will hit a pain point from this in a matter of months otherwise.

  • I am essentially treating Spine exports the same way as image files in my workflow right now

    as in a big impenetrable blob of data that won't merge with anything. But I do have one complex skeleton that I'd like to allow more than one person to work on, sometimes concurrently.

    I'm curious what kind of solutions larger teams have come up with.

    • Đã chỉnh sửa
  • I was wondering if someone might be able to show me a best practice for helping multiple users collaborate on one or more projects, including use of a content management system like git to check in / check out changes while performing merge operations.

    From what I've seen so far, it looks like this might be possible by exporting into JSON, doing check in / merge operations on that (and image files), and then reimporting to update your local project. Is this a feasible approach? Are there better workflows someone could suggest?
