
  • 22 Th09 2016
  • Đã tham gia 12 Th06 2013

    Ok, thanks!

    • Đã chỉnh sửa

    Hi everybody,
    a simple question: there is documentation on how to correctly integrate Spritelamp and Spine in Unity 5?
    After search, all the info that I found are incomplete or outdated...
    A good starting point, but if there is some updated info, it would be better 😃

    Thank you so much !!!

    +1 for masking... it isn't a trivial feature :-P

    Ok, as I am doing...

    When everything will work, I will verify if there are bottlenecks...

    Ok, clear... but the binding of a "slave" root bone of one skeleton to a "master" bone on another skeleton is an automatic operation or I have to set position and orientation of the "slave" by code at each frame?

    In other words:
    if I have a dozen skeletons, each with 4/5 bones and different animations, to be combined into a single entity, the best approach is to edit individual skeletons separately on spine and, a run-time, treat them as separate nodes?

    • Đã chỉnh sửa

    in my game (cocos2d-x + box2d) I have to connect several skeletons to form a single non-humanoid boss.
    Each part of the final boss is edited separately in spine, and used at run-time on a hierarchy of cocos2d nodes (each node is a SkeletonAnimation).

    Each part of the final boss can vary in the number of bones and animations, so I decided to treat them as many separated skeletons...

    Is this the best approach?

    Might be possible to create at run-time a skeleton that inherits all the animations of the individual parts?

    • Đã chỉnh sửa

    first of all, congratulations for your great work.
    I need a suggestion: my next game will be a mixed 2d and 3d multiplatform puzzle with a lot of 2d animations.
    I'm testing spine as 2d editor and I think I'll buy the license as soon as possible.
    For the game, I will use Ogre3D. There is a spine runtime for this engine?
    Otherwise I'll try to make it from the code that already exists...