Gallo, this is quite impressive. I'm an artist so I was looking for any information on this. I'm happy I found your post. Thank you for sharing.

- 18 Th06 2014
- Đã tham gia 2 Th11 2013
- Trong Scale and transparency
Thank you so much for all the info. I had read somewhere that I should have turned on Alpha is Transparency, and for some reason didn't bother to check that one anymore. That was the main issue, and I also changed the texture to Truecolor, that helped too. Thank you again.
- Trong Scale and transparency
Thank you both for this. That works very well.
I checked the "Premultiply Alpha' option when exporting my files from spine, but this still occurs. In the preview, the alphas look very clean (or with other material types), but not with the Spine/Skeleton and not in game. Have I missed anything else here?
- Trong Scale and transparency
- Đã chỉnh sửa
- Trong Scale and transparency
Few questions that I couldn't find solutions to.
In Unity you can set 'scale' for sprites. For example currently I have 1 unit = 80 pixels. Is there a way for me to tell Unity what size the spine texture should display as because right now my characters are coming out extremely large.
The 2nd issue could be related. I changed the material from Texture/Diffuse to Spine/Skeleton and the transparency got very 'dirty'. I have a feeling it's because the characters are scaled down to 0.001575 as oppose to being 1.
Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated, I'm out of options.
Thanks for all the help man.
After I took out the numbers and spaces and also simplified everything to a single directory the animation worked. Is there any info on the these rules or is this simply part of the language syntax, like C# in this case...
The spine.log was clean. I changed it back to version 1.7.12 and it's all good now. Thank you.
In another setup that my programmer did, he actually had the atlas in the correct place. It was set up identical to the test file. We are thinking that it has something to do with the export of the spine files.
I have 'Pretty Print' check on and under Create Atlas options I have 'Premultiply alpha' checked as well. I don't have anything checked under Options but maybe it's something there. My directories have spaces and some of them start with numbers, do you think this could be an issue? Could padding be an issue?
Edit: Oh and when I render the skeletons in unity there are no issue. Looks great.
- Đã chỉnh sửa
I'm currently trying to help my programmer run a test in unity for my spine character. He ran the example file, and it worked just fine, but apparently my files do not work. I was trying to go through it myself but I couldn't figure it out....
At some point I reverted Spine to an older version (thinking it might have something to do with the new changes) but when I tried to add the .atlas file to the '...SkeletonData' the .atlas couldn't be seen (even though it's clearly in the directory). Any idea what the issue might be here?
I figured I should be working in the latest version anyway, so I reverted back to the latest version of spine and now I'm getting that error again (where I can't start spine). Is there a way for me to change the version of spine before I run it? Otherwise, please help a brother out. Sorry for the trouble.
Hey, so I did something and now I'm getting an Unexpected Error at startup.
If I remember correctly, this is what happened.
I opened spine and saved a new project in an existing folder. In windows explorer I went to that folder and created another folder within it. Then I moved the Spine file to the new folder. I closed spine and when it asked me to save (I believe I said 'Exit without saving') and then I went to where the spine file was in windows explorer and tried to run it. It would go to 100% loading and then give me the Unexpected Error message.
The spine.log doesn't look like it has an error in it. Any suggestions?
- Trong FFD and memory
Ok, I see. Yea it's for mobile so this information was useful. Thank you.
- Trong FFD and memory
- Đã chỉnh sửa
- Trong FFD and memory
Hey Nate, how have you been?
I was wondering how much improvement do the FFD meshes offer compared to using the full image. Considering an image doesn't need to have any 2ndry animation, would it be wise to turn it into a mesh anyway in order to reduce its size (for memory purposes)? I hope the question makes sense. Thanks.
- Trong Update date Mesh deforms
I was really pleased to see this. Can't wait till we can key it too. Keep up the great work and thank you!
- Trong Sprite Lamp
That's one piece of software I would love to see get made.
- Trong Draw Order
I think the best way to solve this problem is to create another static bone that will allow me to set a different draw order to it. It's a little more work but it'll get the job done. Thanks for the reply.
Oh boy. -_- I hadn't realized I could do that. I copied animations, but didn't think to copy skins as well. This solves that problem for me. Thank you.
- Trong Hey Nate
Ah, that makes more sense. The presentation video looked like it was near complete. I checked out the example you showed me, it looks good.
Alright, I'll look forward to the future builds with the new features, thanks for clarifying that.
Wow, you went olive picking? I haven't even done that my friend! I lived in the north part of Croatia, near many forests. Picking berries or gathering chestnuts or hazelnuts was more of a common thing for me, haha. Oh and not to mention countless apples and plums. The sea is really great in summer, I miss it. Last time I've seen it was as child, before the war. That was a long time ago. I still have an uncle that lives in Rijeka, but we've been out of touch. =/ Alright man, I'll catch you around the forums. Btw, thanks for all the help and feedback on there.
- Trong Hey Nate
Hey. I've been really enjoying spine. Thanks for making a really great piece of software that indie developers, such as myself, can use. I wanted to talk to you about the new features from your kickstarter page.
I understand if the project gets funded, you would like to roll everything out in the following months. However, I'm wondering how you're dealing with the development at the moment? Based on your presentation video, it feels like you have a lot of the features worked out.
I'm obviously very excited about the features and could greatly benefit from using them, but I would also like to help out if you need any testers. I could give you updates, bug reports and let you use some of my work as examples, if you happen to like it.
I feel like this is asking for too much, so I'm putting it out there if the thought ever enters your mind (to have other people test patches prior to release). Let me know what you think. I'll catch you later man.
PS. Considering you know nothing about me, my name is Allan and I'm originally from Croatia. I saw that you live there now, I'm quiet surprised. Hope everything's working out!