
  • 18 Th06 2017
  • Đã tham gia 4 Th11 2016

    Hey everyone!
    Been a while. First cheers for all the thanks! I'm glad the shaders have been useful 🙂
    I learnt to code by poking around other peoples open source code so feel it's good to give some back 😉

    @NeatWolf thanks so much! You're game looks lovely, will have to try it! Did you play/see the Triennale Game Collection? That was a pretty cool collection of indie games put together by the art design museum in Milan.
    I've added your emission fix as well 🙂

    I stuck them on the asset store as well to try and help other peops find them.!/content/88191

    @NeatWolf, this thread is talking about an older version of SkeletonAnimator.

    If checking the "Auto Reset" checkbox doesn't work, can you send us your assets, and we can investigate?

    @Pharan doh! I didn't realise that. Yeah guess thats it... Its weird it works for Pixel-lighting though, both use the same function to work out normals direction so would expect both to be wrong.

    @NeatWolf yeah its too much work to keep the latest version of the shaders working with multiple versions of unity. In general you can grab older revisions of the shaders that were built against older versions of Unity however yeah I'm not going to be trying to fix bugs for multiple versions of Unity at the same time. I'd try and push for your other assets to support latest Unity instead 😉
    I am totally confused by why having a normal map or rim lighting makes it different, there's two functions calculateSpriteWorldNormal and calculateSpriteViewNormal in SpriteLighting.cginc that calculate the normals which is what effects the lighting.
    The only thing of note in them is that UNITY_REVERSED_Z define that flips Z on certain platforms - rim lighting and normal maps shouldn't have any effect on it, plus there should be no difference between the two lighting modes.
    Its all very strange!

    You are on Android yeah? I am slightly scared it might be a weird android thing thats might still be there in 5.5. Need to check that!

    @NeatWolf Yeah me too! "Use Mesh Normals" doesn't work, I have to manually set the normals for Pixel Lit to Z = -1. It works in other things though (I use Todd's Rivers shader in other assets like Ferr2D) and if I use pixel lit with "Use Mesh Normals" It works haha. Well it's not a problem though, I just have to set it up manually that's all.