
  • 18 Th05 2023
  • Đã tham gia 21 Th04 2023
  • Trong Evil goat

    I think that is so cool, it isn't a shitty drawing it is nice.

    I'm not that good at art so I always just draw what I like it is a good way to do art. less likely to get burnout that way. Nice looking game? or what have you. Are you also doing all the code too? looks really cool I just do the art no idea how to do code. Anyway, have a good day.

    • Đã chỉnh sửa

    Ah thanks. This helps a lot. This is much better support then in unity. In unity oh wait there is none ha ha. Thank you so much now off to make more kobolds. (That is all I animate for now.) Ah IK constraints look useful. I need to poke our CEO more.

    Edit: Constraints are amazing!
    Edit edit: Okay for now I will do it the old fashion way, But CEO has been poked so we work on getting pro because those look really helpful and will save me lots of time.

    • Nate đã thích điều này.

    Hello, I have a question, is it possible to have a bone have two parents or would I have to do that some other way, using offsetting or something like that I am trying to animate someone rowing a boat but they are a Kobold, so they have both hands on the oar. Do I need to make the oar line up with the other hand or can it be the child of both hands so as I make them row then it follows them. I also have done zero looking at the documentation, so I am helpful.

    Just off the top of my head I could also do both hands as one bone though that might make the arms do some weird things if they don't just row forward and backward. The animation is from the top and they will be rather small on the screen so I might be able to fake it a bit. Just wondering if this is a thing we can do or how people do two handed weapons/and the like. Or can we just use the offsets to make them "dynamically" do it?

    Sorry I'm a noob, I only ever used Aseprite and I started this year with some game jam games so drawing/animation is all vary new to me. I was finally using layers. (They are amazing.) Thanks.

    Eh even if I don't use it you guy/gals are amazing for making a program I can understand. So probably going to buy it anyway, I used the script to export to Spine from Aseprite and then we were able to get it into Unity so that was nice. I just have to figure out what art we need to make to make a skeleton as I kept starting to animate and then going oh this should be two bones and had to chop it into more layers in Aseprite. But given that the original sprite was one layer in Aseprite when I started was a fairly strait forward process. Just never had to draw for skeleton animation before.

    Also, it is way faster than frame by frame in Aseprite. I didn't do any squash or stretch on this one was just testing bones and skeletons. The fact that I messed around for one day and made this is why I'm going to pay you more money. It saves so much time.

    Edit: Also, The videos are so helpful for me, I always get lost with just word documentation.

    Hey just bought Spine this week and been playing around with it, I use Aseprite to do my art and was working on a fishing game, but then decided after watching all the how to videos, and general animators telling me to start with something standing or a ball I made this out of a Kobold I touched up a bit. learning a lot about what layers I need and all that fun stuff. Anyway, done rambling for now. Here they are.

    Also hello I probably should have made a hello post or something. I'm not vary good at this web form thing. (I think I finally understand discord XD.) Anyway wanted to say that Spine is great I can understand it I've always had problems with like game maker and what not but I can actually know what is happening with Spine, this is why I'm not the programmer. I'm saving up for the pro version because the mesh thing looks really helpful also paying you more money.

    Just realized that the white of the web form makes his horns invisible hm, probably should have given them a background.

    • Misaki đã thích điều này.