
  • 28 Th08 2014
  • Đã tham gia 23 Th05 2013

    Just fired up Spine after 2-3 days, and it asked for the license key.
    The app then downloads, loads, and as far as I can tell, starts off exactly where I left off, ie displaying the model I last worked on.

    If I disable wifi, it immediately asks me for the activation code. If I then close without entering code, activate wifi, and start Spine again, it downloads, but without prompting for the activation key.

    Next time it prompts me for activation code, I will try closing and just launching again, and see if that does the trick.

    It asked for activation code again. Closing and launching again a couple of times did not work. I then rebooted, launched Spine, and it then downloaded and opened as normal.

    • Đã chỉnh sửa

    When opening Spine, it randomly asks for my activation code. When entering it, it seems to download Spine again. Apart from this, everything seems to work.
    It seems to most often happen if I havent used Spine in a day or so.
    OSX 10.9.4
    Spine 1.9.15

    Hi Nate

    I wanted to tell you, that I will be taking over cocos2d-iphone after Riq, and try to lead cocos2d-iphone through the next 6 troublesome months.
    One of my major points in any update, will be full Spine support through my own API.

    I hope you will benefit from that, and that you might even get an idea or two, once it gets public, and just to assure you. At the time I offered you the library, I had no idea that I would be taking over cocos2d, so I was in no way trying to be opportunistic.

    As I said, I hope you will benefit from solid Spine support, in any upcoming cocos2d-iphone.


    Hi Nate

    As you know, I initially liked the Spine tool. I still like it.
    Unfortunately I don't like the libs you guys have provided for cocos2d. They simply are sub standard, and no good.
    Now. I know you guys are hard pushed for time, and that fact sometimes reflects on the quality of our work.

    I have been doing some work for a client, and in that context I wrote a spine library, fully obj-c, and cocos2d compatible. I would like to offer this to you.
    You can use it in any way you want. Either as your own code, or as 3.rd party code. Whatever suits you. I will not spill any details. If you choose to provide it as code written by me, I will of course officially support it in the cocos2d forum.

    Now. For the tricky part.
    Normally I would do this for free, as support to the cocos2d community. However, I honestly would feel a bit silly, providing something for free, that you have been payed for, so while intentionally having no intentions of making money from this, I think it would be fair if you payed me $4000 for the library, which is 1/3 of the initial KS claim for writing libs for Unity, corona and cocos2d.

    The lib of course supports the basic stuff from Spine, but apart from that can do a lot of other things. Obviously with full cocos2d support and documentation. I can of course provide you with a more detailed feature list, and a demo if you need.

    Let me know what you think


    Well, I would actually like to know this as well.

    I have trawled through the C code, all the examples, etc etc, and not found a single clue to why there are several states available. I can see each state is supposed to be updated on each tick, but the purpose of the states, still eludes me.
    Since even the C files, are clinically cleaned for any comments, it really is hard to figure out what states are supposed to do.