Pharan đã viếthmm.. looks like it's not, just based on the dates of the cgincludes.
Thanks again, I tried anyways the shader downloading it from github and the dissolve shader doesn't work well with our scenes, it outupts some weird overlay effects.
In the scene I have fog particles behind and over the playground plane, and also unity distance fog (lighting settings). The dissolve shader works really great but it mask the particles behind I think. And also I don't know why it outlines the sprite too, like this:

Here is the material inspector settings:

Here a picture without all the particles floating behind and in front. Just the distance fog effect that as it seems makes the sprite outlined, don't know why.

As a lot of my questions, maybe is because I don't know how shaders work and some shaders don't work well combined, like the particles one with this one, and distance fog all in one scene. Thanks!
Our game is 2d but we're writing every sprite into the Z buffer for pixel lit sprites, and also because some post processing effects need the Z buffer like DoF and Motion Blur. We could just have sorting layers but we need the Z Buffer for a lot of effects.