Hi everyone! I plan to buy Spine this weekend will this runtime support the latest version of Spine and Unity 4.6.1? thanks
[Unity] Spine Unity Examples
Yes, it works with 4.6.1.
And you'll be in good company.
Lots of people using it (based on forum posts at least). Lots of people checking for bugs, awesome people improving it and fixing stuff.
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Mr. raptor has baked translate handle pie!
Wohoo! Spine + Mecanim love. I think there was some tool floating around last year to import Spine exports as anims, nowhere as powerful and elegant as this though.
Don't know how you're doing it but awesome job, Mitch.
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That bit in the beginning was filler.
Sure, thanks for the image, not for the totally almost-useless facts about the spine runtime skin system. XD
Pharan đã viếtThat bit in the beginning was filler.
Sure, thanks for the image, not for the totally almost-useless facts about the spine runtime skin system. XD
Crap lol, you know I recorded that video like 5 times and I totally forgot to thank you for that stuff in the last take too so here goes.
When I'm in the middle of the developing a spine-unity feature and it gets weird and I'm not sure if the UX makes sense or theres some bug, Pharan and I get on Skype screenshare and do what's called pair-programming to hash things out. Sometimes with Nate too - but he just starts posting pictures of his dog's surgically repaired butt after a while ( srsly tho he's super helpful when I am neck deep in the runtimes ).
It's so cool that this kind of advanced collaboration and knowledge pooling can occur in three totally different time zones between people that have never met in person.
Thanks for the help
Forget that. What happened to Moo's butt?
Her anal glands were filling up weekly so we had them removed a while ago. She's fully recovered now, but there was the risk of permanent incontinence and her poor bunghole was a ghastly sight. Good for waking up Mitch when he gets off topic! 8) Little Moo also had giardiasis a few months ago, I have a few bloody stool pics Mitch hasn't seen. Yet. :devil:
You know people can get giardiasis too, right?
You should have your butt checked, and your anal glands cleared. And don't touch the pizza.
Spine and Mecanim! That is seriously awesome.
Whoa whoa whoa, what........ t-minus 2 weeks til we buy this and massive prototyping happens. If we can still swap attachments for equippable items and do everything we need to make an ARPG with Spine + Mecanim I shall love thee forever. I really, really didn't want to have to work with Puppet 2d.
Majicpanda đã viếtWhoa whoa whoa, what........ t-minus 2 weeks til we buy this and massive prototyping happens.
If we can still swap attachments for equippable items and do everything we need to make an ARPG with Spine + Mecanim I shall love thee forever. I really, really didn't want to have to work with Puppet 2d.
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^ all attachments added to skeleton are stored as separate game objects with 1 mesh per attachment (Region, Mesh, or SkinMesh with weighting intact) under a parent "Slot" object (named the same as the slot was named in Spine) and their render-orders are set according to the draw order of the Setup pose (doesn't handle DrawOrder keyframes).
You are more than welcome to toggle those on and off with code Or add your own - just remember to set the renderer's orderInLayer to the right depth.
Additionally, with Unity 5 around the corner, if they do a good job implementing Mecanim graphs for arbitrary logic, you can expect a proper Spine-Unity implementation of SkeletonRenderer + Mecanim, rather than baked objects like this. That is as soon as I have time to do it
Added tutorial on how to use the new Attributes recently added to the runtime to make life easier.
This is AMAZING!!! :clap: I was really used to using Mecanim for animations before transitioning to Spine. Fantastic work Mitch! I cannot wait to integrate this. Our Alpha version of our game is almost ready and I will definitely be using a lot of these features for our beta. :rock: I know I tell you all the time Mitch, but seriously nice work, thank you soooo much!
I am having trouble removing the Spine runtime from Unity.
I baked the animations and dragged from the baked folder into my project.
Everything works fine, but when I remove the spine-unity folder, my animation disappears.
Any idea what's going on?
cdman đã viếtHello,
I am having trouble removing the Spine runtime from Unity.
I baked the animations and dragged from the baked folder into my project.
Everything works fine, but when I remove the spine-unity folder, my animation disappears.
Any idea what's going on?
Did uhh... did you delete the Shader too?
Derp! That's exactly what happened.
Just had to move the shader out.
Thanks Mitch.
Mitch đã viếtAdded tutorial on how to use the new Attributes recently added to the runtime to make life easier.
Hi Mitch, I'm receiving this error:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UnityEditor.Graphs.AnimationStateMachine.TransitionInspector.OnEnable () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Graphs/UnityEditor.Graphs/AnimationStateMachine/TransitionInspector.cs:74)
I installed the Spine's RunTime by the Unity installer you posted at the first post.
Another problem I'm facing, happens when I try to use the "AtlasRegionAttacher", which load the image of the attachment with half of its size, and rotated in 90º.
I fallowed all the steps of this setup:
aww. it doesn't work for message contents.
Imagine the abuse!
Each time a unity logo is displayed a kitten dies. So use with caution