• Runtimes
  • spine4.2.20和4.2.40版本音频问题。

在最新版本中或者高于4.2.20版本,目前是不支持音频事件吗?不论是WAV OR MP3 格式的音频,好像都不能识别声音

  • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.
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    在Spine 4.2.20版本中,音频事件导致项目卡顿和延迟的问题可能是一个软件bug。根据相关讨论,Spine 4.2.36版本已经修复了一些音频相关的问题,因此建议升级到最新版本以查看问题是否已解决。


    tutu1290013 As Spinebot answered, there are several audio-related bug fixes between 4.2.20 and 4.2.40, so it is possible that there is some change in behavior. However, WAV and MP3 are still supported, so if they do not play at all, it is possible that the audio device is not working properly. If you do not see any audio logs, please open the spine.log file. Also make sure that the audio device selected in the audio view is the correct one.