Hello! I have an issue with bones inheritance
I often use the inherit checkboxes for bones to lock their rotation or scale, but now all my animations suddenly stop doing that in unity and I forced to create constraints for that bones but it was not always possible and not very convenient
It will stay as this from now in spine or this is exactly a bug?
I have a way around this but it increases development time
(Also sometimes when I trying to export as image bones shows as if they have inheritance even if it have disabled)

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What version of the editor are you exporting from? What version of the runtimes are you using?

In 4.2 you can now key transform inheritance for bones. If you aren't using that it should work like before, so maybe you have something out of date or a version mismatch.

  • sohawkus đã trả lời bài viết này.

    I used 4.2 version of spine editor
    I using runtimes spine-unity-4.2-2024-01-19-beta
    I see that there is new - spine-unity-4.2-2024-05-07
    Will check it! 🙂

    Yes, this issue was 100% because of outdated runtime version
    All thing works normally with inheritance!
    Thank you! 🙂

    @sohawkus Glad to hear you've figured it out! On average we release updates to the spine-unity runtime in approximately weekly intervals, so it's always worth checking the download page for a new version when encountering any issues. That's even more true when switching from beta to release.