• RuntimesUnity
  • 需要3.2.01版本的spine-unity runtime

GitHub仓库上没有这个版本,论坛里搜到的帖子链接也not found了,知道可以用编辑器升级版本(老项目里出现其他各种各样的问题),所以还是希望能提供旧版本的runtime

  • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.
    Related Discussions

    Moseszi Unfortunately, at that time we did not keep track of the version of the runtime by branch, and we did not keep track of which commits corresponded to which version, so we are not sure which commits corresponded to 3.2. The oldest branch in the spine-runtimes repository is 3.5, and upgrading a Spine project from 3.2 to 3.5 should not be much difficult. I think it would be better to upgrade your Spine project.