• International中文
  • Spine-ue4 如何实现在运行时切换武器?


  • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.
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    summery You can use Skins. Multiple skins can be combined at runtime, so it is possible to set a left-hand weapon skin and a right-hand weapon skin at the same time. In spine-ue4, there are two types of nodes for setting skins: the SetSkin node for setting a single skin and the SetSkins node for setting multiple skins.
    The Skins section of this video will be helpful:
    【[spine-ue4] 探索spine-ue4】 【精准空降到 16:42】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vh4y1q7Bf/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=53f239dac2bbab91529f62a306ad412e&t=1002