• Editor
  • Link specific Body Sprites to specific Skins.

Hello Spine forum, first time here, but long time on Spine 😉

I'm working some weeks on an 8-direction character creation that can be fully skin customizable. And I would love to achieve this thing:

Let's say: I have a face (character Body) that is illustrated in 8 different directions "different sprites" (N-NE-E-SE...) And I apply on the top of the character's face a skin (hemet) which is also illustrated in each 8 directions on different sprites ((N-NE-E-SE...).

Is there a way to link or attach on (Animation Mode) the current direction of the face (right direction E "east") to the corresponding skin direction needed (helmet East)?
-I could achieve this if I carefully Key on animation times the needed direction for the skin, but I would love to have this automatically updated, so "when I turn the head direction sprite" on animation I need Spine to automatically turn the helmet direction sprite that corresponds. To save animation times.

Many Thanks.

  • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.
  • Trilex đã thích điều này.
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    Ontheroof Welcome to the Spine forum! 🙂

    Unfortunately, there is currently no feature that does what you are looking for. A common method for changing the direction of a character is to create an animation that stores the visibility of the attachments for each direction, and then copy and paste the keys into the animation to change the direction of the character. In your case, if you create an animation that stores the keys for switching the active attachments for the face slot and the helmet slot, and copy the keys from there when you create a new animation, it should not be too much trouble.

      Recommend to discus that thing with developer. They can change and add images with from server on Spine event or ect. So for isometry you will need 5 animations for each type + 2 from dev with h- flip.(example run). And other thing you will need is skins. And after devs can change and add any assets on event or ect.

      • Ontheroof đã trả lời bài viết này.
      • Misaki đã thích điều này.

        Vadym Many Thanks for your response.

        Misaki Many thanks for taking the time to answer me 🙂