This is a follow up question from the previous post: Attaching Bones

I am attempting to control the firearm's fire-primary bone to aim at the mouse's location.
However since the firearm's root is following my player's hand I cannot modify it's Rotation value.

I don't want the player SkeletonAnimation to follow to weapon SkeletonAnimation (for obvious reasons), so how would I go about accomplishing what I am currently try to?

Any help is more than appreciated as always 🙂

  • Harald đã trả lời bài viết này.
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    Just to be more precise about what I am asking & what I have done:

    The weapon's root is following the player's holder-primary.
    And what I am trying to accomplish is have the weapon's fire-primary bone follow the mouse's position.
    Upon modify the weapon's fire-primary bone's Rotation, nothing happens; I suspect this is caused by the weapon's root being overwritten by the player's holder-primary bone.
    However I could not be entirely understanding Spine's API, apologies if so

    • Harald đã trả lời bài viết này.

      RogueWars I am attempting to control the firearm's fire-primary bone to aim at the mouse's location.

      It this really what you want? It sounds a bit weird, as if you're trying to point the muzzle flash towards the target while leaving the weapon aiming in another direction. Are you sure that you don't want to point the hand holding the gun towards the target? holder-primary would be attached to the same hand bone then. You could then take the Spineboy example scene as a reference on how to setup the complete aim-IK setup.

      RogueWars Upon modify the weapon's fire-primary bone's Rotation, nothing happens; I suspect this is caused by the weapon's root being overwritten by the player's holder-primary bone.

      You would need to share more details about your setup, what bones are overridden, and how you do that. In general a child bone can still be pointing anywhere through a SkeletonUtilityBone in mode override, I don't see why it should be overridden by setting the parent.