
  • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.
  • wangze đã thích điều này.
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    wangze 让我先确定一下: 你是说你在帐单信息中选择了一个错误的国家?这应该不会影响安装,所以你应该可以安装Spine。
    如果你想改变发票上的地址,你可以在点击 "查看 "之前在 "地址 "栏中输入任何地址,下载发票。

    Let me make sure first: Are you saying that you chose the wrong country in your billing information? It should not affect installing, so you should be able to install Spine.
    If you would like to change the address on your invoice, you can download the invoice with any address by entering it in the "地址" field before clicking "查看".

    • wangze đã trả lời bài viết này.
      Đã hợp nhất 2 các bài viết 你好,我可以修改国家地区吗,当时买的时候默认的国家忘记修改了,软件还未安装使用,.

      Misaki 我看默认选择的是日本,本来想安装中文版的,

      • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.

        Merged because two posts were created with the same question.

        wangze Spine Launcher和Spine Editor是所有语言的通用应用程序。语言设置可以在Spine Launcher上改变。关于Spine Launcher的更多信息,请参见用户指南的这一页。:

        Spine Launcher and Spine Editor are common applications for all languages. Language settings can be changed on the Spine Launcher. For more information about the Spine launcher, see this page of the user guide: https://zh.esotericsoftware.com/spine-getting-started#%E8%BF%90%E8%A1%8CSpine

        • wangze đã trả lời bài viết này.

          Misaki 也就是说,我不用管现在的问题直接安装就可以?安装以后可以改国家语言是吗?

          • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.

            wangze 是的,从你的许可证页面下载安装程序,然后像平常一样用它安装。

            Yes, download the installer from your license page and install with it as normal.