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Any resources besides documentation?
Sorry, annoying beginner question. I'm loving Spine Pro, and my minimal coding skills have mostly been enough to get the Unity runtime working in my project. I'm still having trouble with a couple things, primarily reading animation events. All user error, I am sure. Unfortunately, the tutorials I've found on the subject are out of date, and the official documentation is pretty dense for those of us starting out.
I don't expect anyone to hold my hand. I got myself in over my head, and I'll find a way out. But if it doesn't hurt to ask... does anyone know of any decent, up-to-date tutorials or resources for Spine/Unity events, or even just Spine/Unity runtime in general? I've spent long hours online coming up empty handed.
(Either way, feel free to make fun of the beginner who got in too deep :grinteeth
Hmm, I am not sure what part of the documentation you actually read, so it would be better if you posted specifically what you want to do, so we can give you more precise advice.
Basically, including the use of Spine events, are covered in the example scenes in theSpine Examples/Getting Started
folder, so I highly recommend checking those out if you haven't already done so. The following video shows what each of these scenes demonstrate, and it will be easier to understand when checked together:
Thanks for the reply. I confess I have perused that video and the sample scenes... but not at the same time. I will follow your advice now and work through that video more carefully with the sample scenes open.
Thank you for watching the video! I think you probably have a rough idea of the basics, please feel free to post your questions on this forum along with what behavior you would like to see at your skeletons. It should be easiest to get the answer you want if you do so.
It appears my trouble may have not been my coding skills (although they are weak) but rather with Visual Studio. It was identifying almost everything AnimationState-related as an error. I tripled checked everything, thought maybe I was going crazy, and that everything I've learned about C# was wrong. I finally tried loading my project in a different editor and like magic... no errors. It never occurred to me that Visual Studio might be having problems with the runtime package... I just assumed I was doing something wrong. If the solution is as easy as switching editors... goodbye Visual Studio!
Thank you for the encouraging words. I'm happy to report that I'm back on track. If I get seriously stuck in the future, I'll check here... and hopefully I'll have a specific question instead of a desperate "Why doesn't anything work?!?" :lol: Cheers
I’m glad to hear your trouble is resolved! However, the combination of Visual Studio and the spine-unity runtime should work together without problems. Since you have already started working with another editor, this may no longer be necessary information for you, but there is a thread about a similar problem that may be of interest:
Spine and Unity - using directive
Thank you for the last tip. That did clear up my Visual Studio issue and saved me from learning a new IDE.