Thank you for sharing your animations again! It's really interesting and fun to watch your magical fake 3D animations :heart:
This method could be used to create an animation of a music box with spinning dolls.
Fake 3D Die Animation Test
Very cool! Thanks for taking the time to show your setup!
Also, I can't resist but state that your ghosting GIF would be the most glorious screensaver of all time! :nerd:
Sorry for the late response. I have been busy programming a web solution with my off-work time.
Thank you, Misaki, for returning and replying. It keeps my morale up.
You can definitely create a spinning doll music box using this method, but I was aiming for a more ambitious goal. One day I am going to rig a full faux 3D model in Spine with body movements. The experimental rig was actually bending simple legs. I call it a half-success.
Thanks, Harald, for chiming in. I think my setup has ways to go but this experimental setup is progressing to my goal. I am using ghosting GIF as my DeviantArt avatar. 8)
Oh my gosh, the animation combined the fake 3D rotation and bending is really interesting
I am planning out on how to rig a full body humanoid character for future testing. The trouble areas are going to be the pelvic region, shoulder region, neck-head region.
Working in progress:
How Working In 2.9D Feels Like in Spine:
Those videos are AMAZING!!! You have successfully developed Spine 3D :magic:
Started on this Wavefront OBJ to Spine JSON script. Preliminary testing concept.
SilverStraw What kind of magic is this? Very interesting!
Misaki Hello Misaki. Math magic.
The OBJ importer is super cool! Very clever!
Combining faces and texture coordinate generating and correcting require more wizardry than I want to pursue.
It's neat but yeah I can imagine it's pretty tricky to get the UVs just right, especially for arbitrary geometry.
I updated the the converter from Sketchup Obj into Spine JSON to allow each mesh attachment to have multiple triangles. The converted mesh texture coordinates isn't perfect and requires fine tuning. I don't think I can improve on that. If Spine can accept the imported, mangled mesh, I think it's good enough.
looking great
I finally got the motivations to do this bone test.
SilverStraw Excellent! I wonder why 3D rotation is so visually interesting. Are these bones going to be animated in the future, keeping this 3D rotation?
- Đã chỉnh sửa
Misaki Yes. I am going for block-like shapes of Roblox or Minecraft to keep it simple and I have not worked out the joint regions.