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  • Fake 3D Die Animation Test

Thank you for sharing your animations again! It's really interesting and fun to watch your magical fake 3D animations :heart:
This method could be used to create an animation of a music box with spinning dolls.

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8 ngày sau

Very cool! Thanks for taking the time to show your setup!

Also, I can't resist but state that your ghosting GIF would be the most glorious screensaver of all time! :nerd:

Sorry for the late response. I have been busy programming a web solution with my off-work time.

Thank you, Misaki, for returning and replying. It keeps my morale up. 🙂
You can definitely create a spinning doll music box using this method, but I was aiming for a more ambitious goal. One day I am going to rig a full faux 3D model in Spine with body movements. The experimental rig was actually bending simple legs. I call it a half-success.

Thanks, Harald, for chiming in. I think my setup has ways to go but this experimental setup is progressing to my goal. I am using ghosting GIF as my DeviantArt avatar. 8)

3 tháng sau


8 tháng sau

Oh my gosh, the animation combined the fake 3D rotation and bending is really interesting 😃

24 ngày sau

I am planning out on how to rig a full body humanoid character for future testing. The trouble areas are going to be the pelvic region, shoulder region, neck-head region.

Working in progress:

How Working In 2.9D Feels Like in Spine:

Those videos are AMAZING!!! You have successfully developed Spine 3D :magic:

một năm sau

Started on this Wavefront OBJ to Spine JSON script. Preliminary testing concept.

    SilverStraw What kind of magic is this? Very interesting! 😆

      Misaki Hello Misaki. Math magic.
      coding magic

      • Misaki đã thích điều này.

      The OBJ importer is super cool! Very clever! 🙌

      7 ngày sau

      Combining faces and texture coordinate generating and correcting require more wizardry than I want to pursue.

      • Sekomu đã thích điều này.

      It's neat but yeah I can imagine it's pretty tricky to get the UVs just right, especially for arbitrary geometry.

      2 tháng sau


      3 tháng sau

      I updated the the converter from Sketchup Obj into Spine JSON to allow each mesh attachment to have multiple triangles. The converted mesh texture coordinates isn't perfect and requires fine tuning. I don't think I can improve on that. If Spine can accept the imported, mangled mesh, I think it's good enough.

      một tháng sau

      looking great

      2 tháng sau

      I finally got the motivations to do this bone test.

      • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.
      • MisakiInit đã thích điều này.

        SilverStraw Excellent! I wonder why 3D rotation is so visually interesting. Are these bones going to be animated in the future, keeping this 3D rotation?

          • Đã chỉnh sửa

          Misaki Yes. I am going for block-like shapes of Roblox or Minecraft to keep it simple and I have not worked out the joint regions.

          • Misaki đã thích điều này.