• Runtimes
  • [UE4]SpineSkeletonRenderer and Motion Blur

UE 4.25.3/NoAA/Forward and Deffered Renders
Hi. I`m using the MotionBlur post effect in my project
When i have started to implementing Spine animation to the project I found an error in the work of SpineSkeletonRenderer with the MotionBlur Post effect
MotionBlur Post effect is applying to SpineSkeletonRenderer while moving even if the SpineSkeletonRenderer is fixed(motionless) relative to the Camera

The correct way to work is when motion blur is not applied to objects that are stationary relative to the camera. It works in the right way with Flipbook animations (in video below i use flipbook component for character animation)

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Mario đã viết

The rendering component is a subclass of ProceduralMeshComponent, so post effects like motion blur should "just work" (tm). I've created an issue here: EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes1788

Hi, i have found solution
Default material for the SpineRenderMesh is an material with Translucent BlendMode. For working with motion blur in this blend mode is necessary to enable OutputVelocity option in MaterialDeatails

Cool find! I'm unsure if the default material should have this option enabled though, or whether we should simply document it. What do you think? I lean towards documenting it, as it might have a negative performance impact on mobile.

    I think small note in the documentation will be fine

    5 tháng sau

    it works

    9 ngày sau

    I had this problem for a while and had no idea what was causing it. So glad I decided to randomly check today. Works great.

    4 năm sau

    Mario do this ever reached a doc somewhere?

    This is still an issue, we just integrated spine in our game, and when moving, the spine character lags and flickers a lot. Enabling OutputVelocity node fixed the issue, but feels weird the need to go and modify a material since minute 1 to fix what should be by default.

    One thing we are yet unable to fix is that the animation itself, looks a bit shadowed while playing, like is leaving a trace of the colors of the previous frame. Maybe related? Idk, I can attach a video if needed.
    MotionBlur is already disabled