• Unity
  • Need Help with Import Error to Unity on AtlasAsset

I'm getting this error when importing the example spineboy project. I wanted to be sure I got it working in Unity before putting effort into the animation. I read through the documentation but doesn't mention this message. How do I fix this or is there a different way to export?

I attached a screenshot of my export settings that the error message. I tried to do a search here but didn't find anything.

"Could not automatically set the AtlasAsset for "spineboy-pro.skel"

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Mastro2k đã viết

I'm getting this error when importing the example spineboy project. I wanted to be sure I got it working in Unity before putting effort into the animation. I read through the documentation but doesn't mention this message. How do I fix this or is there a different way to export?

I attached a screenshot of my export settings that the error message. I tried to do a search here but didn't find anything.

"Could not automatically set the AtlasAsset for "spineboy-pro.skel"

There are 3 files that are created when you export a Spine Project:

MyProject.skel.bytes (or MyProject.json) - this has all of the data about your spine project like animation info, etc.
MyProject.png - the texture-packed image with all of your project's source images
MyProject.atlas - this file has the information on where each of your source images are located on the texture-packed image. Its like an 'atlas' saying that arm1 is at this location on the MyProject.png image, and hand1 is at this location, etc.

You need all 3 of those files for the spine animation to work.

So that error is saying that Unity sees the "data" for a spine project (spineboy-pro.skel), but it doesn't know where the corresponding .atlas file is. Normally when you're adding a new spine character to Unity, you want to drag all 3 of the files that are created (from Exporting in Spine) into the Unity window - if you do that, then Unity will know that all 3 of those files are associated with eachother.

But if you were to drag only the .skel file into Unity, it wouldn't know where the other 2 files are, and that error would pop up. Or if you were to drag the .atlas and the .png file into one place in your Unity project, and then drag the .skel file into another place, it would also pop that up.

If the Unity project has all 3 of those files, you can press "Resolve Atlas" and select the corresponding .atlas file, and it will link everything up.

export that file name as


instead of


Thanks again for answering @Jamez0r and @Nick!

I think the screenshot in the initial posting showed the right suffix .skel.bytes, I assume it was just a typo in Jamez0r's posting.

17 ngày sau

Ok! I got some success but I got a few errors in the console and now I’m at the position of the regions missing what’s should I do now I will provide pics of the error codes, pics of the inspector and pics of the error message of the regions missing

You have a compile error in your project, because of a missing Spine C# script. Please always mention that first if you cannot get fix it yourself, as it will potentially break any import scripts.

Please import the latest spine-unity package again. If this does not fix the issue, please delete the Spine and Spine Examples directories first, then import again.

@Harold your amazing. Thanks, but is it possible to host a zoom call so I could possibly explain a lot better because I understand but do not understand certain things...please and thank you

Sorry, we do not do video calls. Please try to explain your problem here and we will do our best to answer it.