• Unity
  • Bug in multi skin spine animation

I have a problem with a Spine animation that has two skins, some animation clips badly crop the layer from the atlas which is exported with Polygon Packing enabled.

This is part of the texture of the atlas. The wrong cut is made only with some animations.

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We are sorry for the trouble! Which version of Spine are you using?

Package version: spine-unity-3.8-2019-10-03, in unity 2019.2.2f1

This is not an issue with spine-unity or Unity, but with export from Spine.
Which Spine version are you using?

Spine editor version is 3.8.86

7 ngày sau

Could you please send us a reproduction project as a zip package, to contact@esotericsoftware.com, then we can have a look at what's going wrong.

Thanks for sending the reproduction assets.

The problem is that the Helmet image is once used as MeshAttachment under the Helmet skin placeholder, and displayed again at the same time as Region Attachment under the skin placeholder Casco naranjo 2. Then the Region Attachment Casco naranjo 2 renders a too large region, since it has been packed tightly following the Mesh Attachment bounds. A future Spine update will detect this double-use and pack accordingly, for your use case I guess the second overlaid helmet was accidental and can be removed anyway I guess?