• Unity
  • Spine Unity Quick Start

Hello there ! 😃

It's been quiet a long time and I'm back in business with some friends.
I've been away for a while and my new co workers (Unity noobies) would like to know if there are any basic packages, assets or good practices up to date.

Back in my days, I took the SkeletonAnimation road, and hardcoded the states changes and animations, the SkeletonMecanim didn't seem to fully benefit from all the cool Spine features so I made kind of a hack and used it as a simple state machine, adding StateBehavior calling for actual SkeletonAnimation methods and properties.

How about today ? I know the Spine editor has been greatly improved, what about the Spine Unity runtime ? What are the usual implementations of your players (and ennemies) behaviors/animations ?

Thank you all for your input, I'm so looking forward to play with Spine again 😉

PS : if this is relevant, we're working on an action-platformer :shh:

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  • Đã chỉnh sửa

The same recommendations in regards to using SkeletonAnimation over SkeletonMecanim still hold true, at least from our point of view. Some bugs in regards to SkeletonMecanim have been fixed in the meantime, however SkeletonAnimation is still the recommended way of bringing Spine skeletons into Unity - SkeletonMecanim will never be able to provide the same animation transition feature set for example.

Hi Harald !
I thought so 🙂

Nowadays, are there any out of the box packages/script to implement easily spine animations ? Back in my days my playeranimator script was pretty heavy/messy and I considered using mecanim as a simple FSM calling out for actual skeletonAnimation methods, is this an actual thing ?

I've been quiet surprise not to find some Spine anim stuff in the assetstore !

If by easy you mean something like Playmaker integrations, there are some thirdparty Spine playmaker integrations available:
PLAYMAKER Integration

Regarding Mecanim and normal scripting:

RemDust đã viết

Back in my days my playeranimator script was pretty heavy/messy and I considered using mecanim as a simple FSM calling out for actual skeletonAnimation methods, is this an actual thing ?

I'm not sure I understand your question correctly, as you mentioned above that you already "made kind of a hack and used it as a simple state machine, adding StateBehavior calling for actual SkeletonAnimation methods and properties.".

You can use a Mecanim state machine and with a wrapper drive a SkeletonAnimation component behind it. This is shown in the Mecanim Logic SkeletonAnimation View example scene, located in the Spine Examples/Other Examples/StateMachine SkeletonAnimation directory. The MecanimToAnimationHandleExample class (a subclass of StateMachineBehaviour) is used to call SkeletonAnimationHandleExample.PlayAnimationForState for each newly entered state.

Hi Harald, thank you !

Harald đã viết

The MecanimToAnimationHandleExample class (a subclass of StateMachineBehaviour) is used to call SkeletonAnimationHandleExample.PlayAnimationForState for each newly entered state.

It looks like it's exactly how I used to handle things back then, I'm gonna check out the example scene right away 🙂