• Unity
  • Unity - Motion Blur


Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post in, completely new to Spine and feeling out my options- I'm looking at purchasing Spine for use in a game that will be built in Unity, and I was wondering if there was currently any pathways to achieve motion blur rendered on spine assets inside of unity? So far as I can tell there isn't, as Unity doesn't view bone data in the same way as sprites ect. But just wanted to confirm this was the case and there was no way to achieve blur inside the engine on Spine assets whatsoever.

Thanks heaps,

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Welcome to the Spine Forum 😃

I've taken the liberty to move your topic to the correct section.
Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with Unity to answer your question, but Harri will be able to answer it tomorrow I'm sure.

You can find an older thread with a similar question here viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9676 but a lot has happened since then, so I can't say if it's still accurate.

Sorry! My bad! And yep, I'd trawled the forums a fair bit so had seen the previous thread but wasn't sure if anything had changed since then. Thanks heaps, will look out for any responses🙂

Hi Gennaro and welcome! 🙂

There are multiple ways to achieve motion blur on a Spine character at runtime.

As Pharan wrote on the thread above, any shader that writes to the z-buffer will also work in terms of creating motion blur in post processing effects. There are multiple shaders provided with the Spine-Unity runtime that provide a z-write option or variant. Note however, that the typical motion blur post processing effect might not be what you need, as it is most likely too subtile.

The recommended way to apply controllable motion blur to a Spine character is via the Skeleton Ghost example script that is included in the runtime. You can customize the ghosting effect in terms of color, blend mode and timing. See this video to see it in action:
Spine Unity Ghosting - YouTube

Ah ok cool, I miss-understood the pervious thread. Thanks so much for clarifying! Awesome to know it can be achieved readily.