• Unity
  • After Updating Spine, Animations In Unity Keep Disappearing

Hi all,

So I recently updated to Spine version 3.7.93 from what I believe was 3.6.37. Updating broke all the animations I already had in Unity and re-exporting alone didn't help. What I had to do was delete all the animation data and re-export each Spine file, and re-assign each SkeletonData asset to its corresponding game object. Once I do that and re-configure the animation mixers, it goes back to working fine.

The problem is then when I close Unity and re-open, the animations all break again and I have to do it all over again. The SkeletonData asset gives me this error:
The Atlas asset gives me this error:

And yes, I save the Scenes and Project in Unity before exiting and re-opening. It still reverts to this broken state.

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We have not encountered this problem ourselves so far, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Are any prefabs involved in your setups? Does it occur at normal GameObjects as well as ones with Prefab connections?
Do you get any warning- or error-messages in the console window?

Could you please send us a minimal version of your project as a zip package that still shows the problem, contact@esotericsoftware.com? Then we can have a better look at your problem.

And no need to post multiple times in different forum threads, we will not miss your posting and are doing our best to help you out as quickly as possible.

Hi Harald,

There are no errors in the Console window. Above are screenshots of the SkeletonData and Atlas asset views in the inspector, and although the Atlas asset displays a message directing to "fix any compile errors", I don't see any.

I sent a sample project to the e-mail address you provided.


Okay, after playing around with the sample project I sent you I was able to get it working. If I delete all Spine files in the project before installing the new Spine-Unity runtime, and then import all the Spine animations, it continues to work after closing and re-opening Unity. I applied this to the main project and everything seems to be working now. Maybe there was a lingering file in the previous runtime that was interfering with the new runtime's atlas files? I don't know.

You did delete the old Spine directory before unpacking the new 3.7 Spine runtime, right?
Did you hit reimport after that updating the runtime?

Anyway, very glad it worked in the end. Thanks for lettings us know what fixed the problem.