• Unity
  • Spine animations for iPhone game in Unity

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Hello there,
I'm thinking of trying Spine, but not sure if it works for my needs - and it seems the trial won't allow me to export animations, so I can't test them (if I'm wrong please correct me). I don't want to purchase Spine without knowing if I can use it for what I need to do.
I'm making a mobile game for iPhone using Unity. Can I create skeletal animations with mesh deform for my sprites using Spine, and get them working in a Unity iOS build? I found instructions for Unity export, but I'd like to confirm that it will work with iOS when it comes to building the project. If anyone uses Spine for this and could let me know, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks :-)

You can download the latest Spine-Unity runtime here free of charge:
Spine Unity Download
If comes with lots of examples (and thus exported Spine assets) for you to experiment with.

Please let us know if they are sufficient for your tests!