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Spine Unity - Timeline in 3.7 is completely different
Hello everyone.
I'm having some serious issues after the update to Spine runtime v3.7.
Basically all the old "SpineAnimationTrack" that we used to animate characters in the Unity timeline have disappeared.
Now I see we have at our disposal just the "Spine Animation State Track" and the "Spine Skeleton Filp Track".
This needs us to replace all the old tracks with new ones, and this is actually a pain.
Furthermore we discovered that all the controls regarding clip speed have disappeared (the ones that appear by right-clicking the clip in the timeline editor are actually greyed out.)
Also, when adding a new clip in a Spine Animation State Track an error is thrown
Is there a way to use the old SpineAnimationTrack? or maybe just solve these errors and tweak the animations properly in the timeline?
Thanks everybody!
Please do not yet replace or redo any of your work! I am having a look at the issue and it seems to be independent of 3.6 vs 3.7 changes.
It seems as if I can reproduce the problem and error message you are describing when using the 3.6 unitypackage spine-unity-3_6-2018-10-18, so it seems to not to be related to 3.7 upgrade but some other changes that seem to have affected both branches.
The error you described is due to clipData.animationReference being null, so in the Timeline Editor window when adding a clip to the SpineAnimationStateTrack this clip is set to null and then dereferenced - I will fix this bug, it should not be issued (but can be ignored rather safely). You could select the clip in the Timeline and then in the Inspector set the parameter Template-Animation Reference
to your desired asset.
Could you please describe what your previous workflow was, how you added the "SpineAnimationTrack" etc, and create a screenshot of the elements in your Timeline Editor window?
Could you please also tell me which version of the 3.6 unitypackage you have been using? This would help a lot as well!
I have created a ticked for the issue here: [unity] Unity Timeline Editor error · #1257
Harald đã viếtPlease do not yet replace or redo any of your work! I am having a look at the issue and it seems to be independent of 3.6 vs 3.7 changes.
It seems as if I can reproduce the problem and error message you are describing when using the 3.6 unitypackage spine-unity-3_6-2018-10-18, so it seems to not to be related to 3.7 upgrade but some other changes that seem to have affected both branches.
Hello! Well we actually did not have this problem before the update, maybe we were using an older package (I sincerely do not remember the exact one, but I'm sure it was in the 3.6 branch). I have an old version of the project on one of our machines, can I retrieve the exact number from there? (except for the .unitypackage file that we do not have).
Harald đã viếtThe error you described is due to clipData.animationReference being null, so in the Timeline Editor window when adding a clip to the SpineAnimationStateTrack this clip is set to null and then dereferenced - I will fix this bug, it should not be issued (but can be ignored rather safely). You could select the clip in the Timeline and then in the Inspector set the parameter Template-Animation Reference to your desired asset.
Yes we can actually set all the parameters for the desired clip, as I said the only thing we can't do anymore is controlling the playback speed of the clip in the timeline (and this is quite crucial for us since we have some cutscenes that use that feature).
Harald đã viếtCould you please describe what your previous workflow was, how you added the "SpineAnimationTrack" etc, and create a screenshot of the elements in your Timeline Editor window?
Yes, I'll do it today, I just have to wait for one of my colleagues to come here and let me check it on his PC. I'll get back to you as soon as possible!
Have a wonderful day.
I have found the cause of the problem - there were some missing files that have not made it into the repository and thus were missing in later automatically created unitypackages. I will very soon provide you with an updated unitypackage which should restore the old desired behaviour!
It turns out that @Pharan released the part you have been using only under his 'experimental' git repository only, the official Spine unitypackages have been using an updated version which has the mentioned menu entry SpineAnimationTrack
removed and the other two entries updated in functionality.
So unfortunately we have to do some more work to include the features in the official 3.7 branch, all I can do for you is offer you a package made especially for you that reactivates the deprecated feature:
Unitypackage to re-activate the deprecated feature in its old form can be downloaded here:
Only deprecated Timeline part:
Complete Spine 3.7 unitypackage including Timeline part:
I have created a ticket where you can get notified when we should officially migrate the features of the old part or the old entry with new approved functionality - we agree that controls like playback speed should be included in the timeline tools:
[unity] Timeline playback speed and other removed features · #1262
Thank you a lot for your effort! I am testing the unity package containing all the spine runtime plus the new animation track (the second one).
I previously answered you with a long message with some bugs I encountered but I think it was my fault, this forum messed up something and deleted the post while I was editing it. I reckon I did not see that the old AnimationState tracks (from 3.6) that we used lost their reference asset for single spine animation clips and so that's why the error would come up. I'm fixing that now and I'll come back once everything is done to check in about that.
Sorry for the mess, that was my fault.
You're welcome!
Actually some of the mentioned bugs are perfectly valid bugreports and should actually be cleaned up. E.g. when adding the new track there should be no error message, instead the inspector window should show something like 'Please assign a SkeletonDataReference'. So thanks for reporting those!
The errors mentioned above are now fixed and cleaned up.
You can download the latest unitypackage here as usual:
Spine Unity Download
FYI: the Spine timeline package has been updated once more, now providing the previously removed features and more.
See the documentation section here:
spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Timeline Extension UPM Package
From the changelog:
SpineAnimationStateClip now provides a Speed Multiplier, a start time offset parameter Clip In, support for blending successive animations by overlapping tracks. An additional Use Blend Duration parameter (defaults to true) allows for automatic synchronisation of MixDuration with the current overlap blend duration. An additional Spine preferences parameter Use Blend Duration has been added which can be disabled to default to the previous behaviour before this update.
You can download it here as usual:
Spine Unity Download: Download
We hope that now all previously included Spine Timeline features have been re-activated and the additional features make it more comfortable to use!