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Runtime: Mask gltich in Cocos 2dx
Hi guys !
I've got a big issue with the "Mask" in Coco's 2DX.
In my Spine, I use the mask feature to fit my spiral with the edges of my green body.
I check all my Spine and I cannot found something strange, take a look to my file, but for me it's a runtime's issue :s
Does it look familiar for you or not? I never seen this kind of glitch before
(I use 3.5.51 spine editor/ Api spine 3.12)
Hm, that indeed looks like a bug. There's no Spine 3.12 runtime for cocos2d-x. Are you using the latest from our runtime repository? https://github.com/esotericsoftware/spine-runtimes
we updated the runtime one week ago (might be the 3.6?)
Thanks, I've created an issue here [cocos2dx] Clipping glitch · #1079. Could you please also tell me what OS you see the issue on? macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS?
We can see that on: IOS and Android
I've tried to reproduce this with your assets. I plugged them into our cocos2d-x example, and it looks like it's intended to use (both macOS and iOS). Could you maybe modify one of our example scenes so it shows the issue?
I try to reproduce it, but now it works
It's cool but so strange! Maybe the bug was closed after the previous runtime's update (2 weeks ago I think)
Thanks anyway to check it!
I guess I work in mysterious ways I'm not aware of any fixed in the past few weeks that could have influenced this. Welp, it works