so I know you probably thought of this but there has been (and will probably be) sometimes when we want a character to have several skins that don't have the same size and proportions
Such as one with a big torso and a small head, another one that would be small with a big head, etc. all this in the same skeleton
We made something like this already in the past, by have special animations that just put the bones on the correct place so the skin is displayed properly
but with this system I can't really use the same animation (e.g. the character walking cycle) with different skins that don't have the same size and proportion.
So the I saw the point attachment I was really excited to test it... but you can't create a child in a point attachment.
So is there any plan to have child on spot attachement, or any way, in the future or already existing, to do something about this use case ?