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  • Image update in spine UI without refresh button

Hello all,

I had created a little test application in .net that allowed me to replace the source folder contents of the images 'pointed to' in the path for the images folder in my spine project. This was very, very handy as it meant I could see the updates happen inside spine without interaction, when my app replaced these folder images. However, it would now appear in the recent update that this no longer works in this fashion and I have to now additionally click on the 'images->refresh' button in order to see my changes images reflected in my spine project.

Is there anyway to bring back this very neat functionality as this really allowed me to test my workflow (from my test app) in a very efficient manner. As it stands in this current update to v1.4.17, this lovely auto-image refresh seems to have been removed. Any chance of adding it as an option if it is/was something that wasn't desirable as an 'always on' feature.


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This is probably related to this bug viewtopic.php?f=9&t=906
We'll get it fixed when Nate is back from his honeymoon. If it's something you absolutely need you can roll back to the previous version of Spine in the settings menu.

Shiu - gimme the address of the hotel, I'll catch him there 🙂

No worries, I'll roll back to the prvious version for now and will await future fixes on this.

Thanks for the info - and hope Nate has had a great break (and many congrats to him!!)


btw - as per the topic that you refernced. '

Also restarting Spine or changing the images dir to something else and then back again fixes it.'

- this fixes the issue (for the open session!)

13 ngày sau

I've fixed a few issues with the image directory watching. Should work better in the next update!

một tháng sau

I noticed an improvement before Events were released.
Now how ever I'm not getting the any image to update until I close and reopen Spine.
After say rotating an image's file to save bounds space, the refresh button, or re-navigating to the folder has no effect on showing the changed image. Maybe once I started a new Spine file, then reopened from the recent flyout. But mostly it's ultimately come to Quit Spine, and relaunch and the image is then displayed how I expect.
I am up to 90 items now in this particular sheet folder. Maybe I noticed this happen once I passed 80 or so files.

Looking into this, I fixed a race condition that could result in the image folders no longer reflecting external change. One way to repro was to click refresh many times very fast, but it is possible this could have happened in other ways. Hopefully this also fixes your issue.

Was messing with it a bit more, turns out... if the folder is say "Game" and Spine has it's path set to "game" it will read the images, but not update them. Case sensitive difference between the first folder get and any refresh get?

What OS? I always see it refresh on Win7, no matter the case in the images path. Note sometimes it refreshes so fast when you click Refresh that you can't see it.

This is on Mac, I'm running Mavericks.
I'm going to say it's not I unnoticeable speed refresh issue, Ive severely modified said image in question for this testing purpose. More interestingly, Recapitalizing the images path will return the image back to the image loaded on launch. (I have used terminal to verify that two folders do not exists in the unix system)

Note file system watching requires Java 7+.

I have OS X 10.7.4. With Apple's Java 7 I don't see file system watching working at all. Not sure what is going on.

Case doesn't make a difference for me. Note that you can run OS X with either a case sensitive or case insensitive file system. Doesn't explain that it would return the image back to how it was loaded at launch though, that doesn't make sense. Are you using the latest Spine, 1.5.11?