• Editor
  • Something really wrong with Editor on MAC OS

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Hello there,

If you can check the video in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/yztw4m7uzdq23ua/SpineEditorBug.mp4?dl=0 you can see there's a flickering issue on selection. I've been having this issue for a while now, it happens while you are hovering with the mouse. Its very eye hurting and its actually affecting my work a lot. Are you aware of this issue ? Do you have any idea on how to get rid of it or are you working on bug ?


We haven't seen this problem. How often does it happen? Does it happen consistently every time? If you have a project which shows the problem, please post or email the .spine file. contact@esotericsoftware.com

Could also please tell us what kind of hardware you have and what version of macOS you are running?

It happens almost all the time not specific to the project. It got somehow a bit better with 3.5 but might be psychological effect I don't know 🙂 ( Did not checked today's update though )

I attached my mac specs so I hope that helps. I'm using Apple's magic mouse and using 3 monitors ( saying because it might be a focus issue or sth? Not sure ).

Let me know what kind of info you need so I can provide.


Sorry, no constructive answer, but a "me too". I can still work though.
Retina iMac aged two years.

Multi-monitor seems to be the key here. I'm not familiar with the hover code in the various panels of the editor, but my guess would be that we receive spurious mouse events. Could you try manually resizing the application window and see if that temporarily fixes it?

I'm using a single monitor 🙁

We finally managed to fix the flashing in the tree! The image preview was touchable and getting hit by the mouse, even though it couldn't be seen. This happened rarely, only if it had previously been positioned just right, eg by switching between animate and setup mode with different width trees at the right time. Even after accidentally reproducing the problem, it was quite a head scratcher since the smallest wrong mouse move during debugging and the problem disappeared. Fix is in 3.5.24! :sun: :beer:

Hahhaa nice, this was giving me headaches man.

I'm glad you fixed it :beer: :beer: :beer: