• Editor
  • 3.5.08 crashes on start

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I edited version.txt to read "3.4.02" and I have my editor back 🙂

I installed the update to 3.5.08, but I can't get it to start anymore.
Spine crashes without showing the Application.

I'll download the non-beta, but here's my report of this not working on OSX.

Thanks for having a look!

Also, in "previous versions" 3.4 is not listed anymore, HALP 😉

Could you please post the Spine log file for the crash in 3.5.08? It's located here:

Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\spine.log
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/spine.log
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/spine.log

3.4.02 not showing up is quite curious, I'll ping Nate about it.

Here it is!
"java.lang.ClassCastException: Bz cannot be cast to lB"
No Bz to lB casting, yo! 😉

And my current one, after I removed hotkeys.txt 🙂

Fixed in 3.5.10-beta, thanks!

No, you! 🙂

-haha, I entered "3.5.10-beta" in the versions.txt and it's downloading as we speak 🙂

mmm, did you improve the drawing performance? The flickering when resizing the window seems a lot snappier.
Oh well.

Yes, we've done a lot of performance optimizations lately across all of Spine. It's not usually noticeable with normal sized projects, but it is nice you noticed. :happy: