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  • Unity - How to use Events with SkeetonAnimator?

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This is the official document, that need to use AnimationState, but SkeetonAnimator not any related with AnimationState.
How to use Spine Events wait SkeetonAnimator?

SkeletonAnimator uses Unity AnimationClip events named after the event name.

All Unity AnimationClip events fire using a SendMessage call.
This works by having any MonoBehavior on the same GameObject have a method name the same as the AnimationClip event.

So if you have an event named "Blink", you can add a method to any script on the same GameObject like this:

void Blink ()
     Debug.Log("Blink event was fired");
Pharan đã viết

Thank you so much!
I has try this way at first but not work, you make know I have something other wrong. And I find that.

một năm sau
Pharan đã viết

SkeletonAnimator uses Unity AnimationClip events named after the event name.

All Unity AnimationClip events fire using a SendMessage call.
This works by having any MonoBehavior on the same GameObject have a method name the same as the AnimationClip event.

So if you have an event named "Blink", you can add a method to any script on the same GameObject like this:

void Blink ()
     Debug.Log("Blink event was fired");

@Pharan - OMG I :heart: you!!! This way is 100x easier to use than the SkeletonAnimation workflow, from here:
Coding for Spine Events and AnimationState callbacks

@john - You need to make sure you EVENT is named exactly the same as the method in your script. So if in Spine your Event is called "JohnRun" .. your C# or Javascript method needs to be

void JohnRun ()
  Print("PHEER PHARAN");

If you don't know what a Spine event is. Google it "Esoteric Spine Event"