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  • Custom renaming Bone Names from Slot Names?

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7 ngày sau

Is there a way to have a bone automatically be renamed when you set the slots parent bone?
I usually create my bones with the same names as my slots. Then when there are several bones attached to my main bone they use the same name with incremental numbers.

It would save time renaming the default "bone" name if the setup could use my custom names.

Thanks guys

just checking back to see if anyone had any thoughts on this topic. Thanks

Nate makes these decisions. He's busy fixing the last bugs so we can release Spine v3. Don't know when/if this will be a feature.

For now, on Windows, F2 is a shortcut for rename.
If you have to rename a bunch of bones. You can probably F2 > CTRL+V > a number > enter and save some time.
CTRL+up/down also travels up or down the hierarchy.

You can also setup a shortcut for New Bone and edit other hotkeys by going to Settings... and opening the hotkeys file there.

Thanks for the reply. I thought there might have been a shortcut of preference I might have missed.

I always use the LayersToPNG.jsx script and that saves time for sure.
Taking it a step further and being able to automatically name bones based on a specific slot would be another great timesaver.

I wasn't aware of Spine v3...good luck with the release. I'll be looking forward to it.
Is there a whitesheet or video of the upcoming features of Spine v3?


  • Patrick

HI Pharan, your comment "You can create a bone for a slot, it takes the name of the slot."
How can I do that? I don't see that language in the cheat sheet.

I tried this on Mac using Command but I can't get it to work properly.
Create Tool
CTRL Create new bone for selected image(s). (Hold CTRL to select the image(s) and the parent bone of the new bone. Release CTRL, then create a new bone normally by clicking or dragging.)

Thanks for the help!

  • Patrick

CTRL is for Windows. Use CMD on Mac

yes, I'm aware of that...when I do the last step and create the bone by click and drag the name is still "bone" not the slot name.

Just tried it. It seems to work.

The steps are:
(1) Press N or choose the Create tool.
(2) Select the parent bone.
(3) Hold CTRL/CMD
(4) Click on one or more images.
(5) Release CTRL/CMD
(6) Click or drag a new bone.

The result should be a new bone with the same name as the slot and image, and the slot and image should be under that bone.

got it now. Those steps make more sense. Thanks so much! HUGE!

  • Patrick

Pharan, thanks again for clearing this up for me.
Being able to just do this part will make things much easier for me. Wish I found it 35 animations sooner! 🙂
Huge thanks!

  • Patrick