raylee [PAID] We cordially invited you for our project,if youre not lose interest in this. Anyway,my partners & me developing a 2D side-scrolling action RPG. It'll look like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fStwoEvhB3s We're an indie game development amateur. so we need a animator edit Spine to add moves/elements to enhance animation with Sykosan's sprites our main character artist http://einlee.deviantart.com/gallery/ matte painter http://arsenixc.deviantart.com/gallery/ UI artist http://panperkin.deviantart.com/gallery/ spriter http://sykosan.deviantart.com/gallery/ here is some drafts background test as 3D feel character creation or conversation animation test http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-PsAPoSVbZdE/U7rymFXBJwI/AAAAAAAAADA/rlXH5y1Rodw/w705-h529-no/GRIL-3.gif ? thank u for patiently reading this. intending please relates with me by message. <removed> one more thing, include ur portfolio or web site. we would very much appreciate it.
raylee kingsleytailors đã viếtSir Where are you from, i am new in animation, what is requirement we're multinational team plz sent me the portfolio that'll get more easy to discuss