• Bugs
  • Hiding/showing attachments has weird interpolation

One of the characters in our game has a fireball throwing animation. For that, we have to show/hide one of the attachments within the animation. This looks fine when viewed per-frame in Spine, but fails miserably when interpolation is enabled. We have tried setting the curve to Stepped, animating Scale and Color instead of just showing/hiding, but nothing seems to resolve it.
It's hard to describe the effect, so here are some gifs showing the issue in action (the fire attachment at the characters' right hand):
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/127 ... -04-59.gif
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/127 ... -28-41.gif
Attached is the Spine project that reproduces the issue.

This happens both in Spine and in Unity runtime. Am I'm missing something? Why does it works when viewed per-frame in Spine, but fails when interpolation is enabled? There should be an obvious solution to this...

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AFAIK it is working as it should. Hold shift when scrubbing the timeline so you can see what is going on in Spine.

Between frames 6 and 7 bone42 flies to the left. This happens because bone7 rotates. Why is bone42 a child of bone7? Why isn't it parented to the hand? It would help to name your bones something meaningful.

bone42 isn't parented to the hand because that's how it has to be for other animations, but this isn't the problem. I know that the bone behaves weirdly, the question is how to just hide the attachment.
Holding the Shift shows exactly the same issue. What I really don't get is WHY there is any kind of interpolation going on when curves are set to Stepped. AFAIK, Stepped means that the transition would be instantaneous, but this is not happening. My logic fails me here.

I would have the fireball attached to the hand, then use another bone and have the same fireball image attached to that. This way it is easy to keep the fireball where it needs to be, yet you can still have it fly all around when needed.

I'm unable to figure out what part of the animation isn't looking like you want.