• Editor
  • Unity 2DCollider not following the sprites

Hi friends, I'm trying to build some traps with Spine for Unity :

The problem is the 2Dcollider (for damage) attached to Spine animated object not follwing it 🙁 ...a sollution for this issue ? Thanks in advance !


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I think this should be posted in the "runtimes" forum.
I believe you should script the collider to always be attatched to the bone of the moving object in spine and inherit its rotation, not to the whole object

Please show us your Hierarchy (fully expanded). Also what method did you use to attach the 2D collider to the trap that failed?

Hi Mitch, here you see my project screenshot with the spine object:

Any idea how to get this work ?? :bang:

Still processing, but here ya go.

Thanks a lot Mitch, you are my HERO :handshake: ...great tutorial, great support :clap: I think this example will be very useful for other people too :rock: