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Hi everybody,

First time here, nice to meet you all.

I wonder if there is somehow to use Kinect for read moves and use this data to make Spine models.

Is that possible?


To MAKE Spine models? Or to animate them inside of an engine like Unity?


I'm afraid not and I can almost say for certain there never will be. Maybe something will be made for Unity in the future, but not by us.

I've seen some cool videos of people using Kinect to drive animations. Can't find the one I was thinking of, but like this:
If you can get the data from the Kinect, it's not hard to get it into Spine. Spine can import JSON in the same format it exports.

Yes Nate! That´s what I´m looking for. This will save a lot of work and also make great real animations. Thank you!

Reading at the nuiCapture docs there´s 2 export formats: BVH and FBX.

These are the formats that Spine can import?

Spine can only import JSON in the format it exports. The challenge with mocap is getting data that is usable. I'm not sure how realistic it is to get good enough data, but it would be fun to play with.

6 ngày sau


Been doing some work with kinect recently and guessing wouldn't be too hard to record the bone data in a timeline based json format. I could create a tool to record and export or create a tool to convert something like nui-captures output into something more useable.

If it is of interest to people and spine could eventually use that data then i might go ahead and create whats needed.

This is something I would love to play with, make it happen eq2k 🙂

9 năm sau

You can use FBX2Spine for transfer 3d motion data from fbx or bvh files to spine project.