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TexturePacker Atlas and Corona run time
Hi Spine,
I'd like to use TexturePacker atlases in my Corona app. But I'm not sure of the workflow. I see that I can customize AttachmentResolver:createImage. But I'm wondering how I use the atlas in Spine IDE. Would I use the "loose" images when authoring in IDE and make sure filename/atlas index match in createImage? I get the feeling there may be a more integrated workflow that I'm missing out on.
As far as I could tell, Corona atlas support is poor. They only have index lookup. To use it with Spine, pass an "image group" as the second parameter to spine.Skeleton.new(). This makes the spine.Skeleton extend the image group instead of a "display.newGroup()". Next, in attachmentLoader:createImage(), look up the image in your "image sheet" using the attachment name. Maybe you can suffix your image names with an index so you have something meaningful in the editor and can parse out the index to lookup the region in the atlas.
Great. Re: using texture atlases in Spine IDE. If I had the TP generated atlas in images folder vs. the "loose" individual pngs would IDE be able to handle that? I.e. Spine IDE would automagically let me drag the just the desired cell of atlas onto slots as if it were a separate image. That seems too insane to be true but thought I'd check since it seems like someone on forum did that recently (the example with a top down space soldier with a gun I believe.)
Nope, in the Spine editor you always work with individual files. This makes everyone's life simpler (yours and mine ).