• EditorBugs
  • 权重面板的大小和羽化快捷键缺失,而且力度快捷键无法精细控制


Missing Shortcut Keys for Weight Panel Size and Feather, and Lack of Fine Control for Strength Adjustments

The current shortcut key settings lack options for adjusting the Size and Feather parameters in the Weights/Brush panel, making it impossible to control these settings via keyboard shortcuts.
Additionally, the Strength adjustment currently operates in 10% increments, which is too coarse. It would be beneficial to add more granular increment options (e.g., 1% steps) for finer control.

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找到相关控制了,但是还是希望把 权重 和 软选择 功能快捷键区分开来

  • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.

    CDO I agreed with your suggestion that the weight of the brush should be adjustable in ±1 increments using a hotkey, so I’ve created an issue ticket here to have it implemented in a future version of the editor:

    However, we would still like to discuss your suggestion about having separate hotkeys for resizing the weight brush and changing the brush size in the mesh tool. While some users may prefer them to be combined, it’s currently not possible to assign the same key to different functions. If we separate these hotkeys, users who prefer them to be the same won’t be able to use a single hotkey to adjust both the weight brush and the mesh tool brush. It might be possible to allow the same hotkeys to be assigned, but I believe altering the specification for this small feature would require significant effort. I hope this explanation seems reasonable, and we appreciate your understanding.

    • CDO đã thích điều này.