• Editor
  • [Request] Rendering video in Spine

Just dropping this request here.

Some clients can be very particular and expect an exact replica of the animation from their reference video.

To ensure my animations match their timing precisely, I export the reference video as a PNG sequence and import it into Spine for syncing.

Would it be possible to add a feature that allows us to render videos within the Spine editor for reference—similar to how we can use audio files— obviously without needing to export them?

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It's possible, but video rendering is complex, so this is not an easy feature. We use ffmpeg (an industry standard) to export videos and still get complaints that some video players don't play the videos correctly -- often it's the player's fault. Having our own player would give us similar problems. Also video can also be several gigabytes, larger than can reasonably be loaded into memory at once. The player then needs to stream the video from disk, which is more complex.

It would be nice and we'll consider it in the future, but I would rather we work on other features for now.

  • warmanw đã trả lời bài viết này.

    Nate I see, thanks for clarification