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  • Unity에서 사용중이던 애니메이션을 Spine으로 불러왔을 때 일부 파츠 사이즈가 줄어드는 현상

Unity에 사용된 캐릭터 애니메이션을 수정하고 싶어 bytes 파일과 atlas.txt 파일을 이용하여 Spine에 불러왔습니다.
머리, 몸, 손, 발 모두 정상인데 캐릭터가 들고 있는 무기의 사이즈만 매우 작게 나옵니다.
기본 캐릭터 뿐만 아니라 여러 종류의 스킨이 적용되어 있는데 무기만 전부 작게 나옵니다.
원인이 무엇일까요?

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Sorry to hear you're having troubles. This is not something I've heard before. Are you doing anything special with the skeleton? Is the Inspector preview when selecting the SkeletonDataAsset also showing this issue?

If so, could you please send us your problematic assets (the exported three files)? You can attach them here to a forum posting or send us an email to contact@esotericsoftware.com, briefly mentioning this forum thread so that we know the context.

  • 1of2 đã trả lời bài viết này.

    Harald I sent an email to that address. Thank you for your help!

    @1of2 Thanks for sending the reproduction assets, we received everything. Unfortunately the assets have been exported using Spine 3.8, which is already very old. It is highly recommended to use Spine 4.1 instead.

    Apart from that, having a look at the asset using the latest spine-unity 3.8 runtime, I could not reproduce any issues of any weapons skins being too small. Anyway, there are far too many skins for us to efficiently analyse. We need a minimal reproduction project which shows exactly the issue you are encountering. Please provide a minimal Unity project which shows the issue occurring, then we can help.

    • 1of2 đã trả lời bài viết này.

      Harald Problem solved!
      Before unpacking the texture, I've newly set the mesh of all weapon attachments, so I get a normal size image! Thank you for your help!

      @1of2 While I don't understand why you are unpacking anything and why you are setting meshes (and what your problem was), I'm very glad that you could resolve the issue!

      • Nate đã thích điều này.