• RuntimesUnity
  • Spine version compatibility issue 4.0.64 vs 4.1

Hi everyone, we have an issue with the Spine runtime versions in Unity, our game has been developed with 4.0.64 and now we have updated the spine runtime version to 4.1, some of the old animations do not work properly has anyone faced this issue? and what is the solution in case there are multiple animations and it's time-consuming to update all animations with the newer version?

  • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.
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    There were a few animations that were not working at all in the newer version, simply the animation was missing the object disappeared, however, now we found another way, we are just updating the animation versions, and it seems working fine.

    • Misaki đã trả lời bài viết này.

      Hoviag I’m glad to hear you've figured it out. If you have any further issues, please do not hesitate to ask in this forum.